Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Potty Training Part 1

There are some who may read this who do not have children so I will spare you the details. Let's just say Adam did great for a week and then he got sick. I reevaluated and decided we need another month before he totally grasps the concept. Strike one. We'll let you know when we have another go at it. I'll have to invest in some more jelly beans...



Ohhh...I'm sorry!! I hope it goes on the second time around.

BTW, I LOVE the picture of your family underwater! Very creative. Totally you!

wedogmomma said...

Try floating cheerios in the toilet for target practice...
Or tell him it's a sword fight ...that's still a favorite with my boys...(TMI?)
Haha...remember..this potty training thing WILL end one day :D
It's not like many HS grads wear diapers....

enjoy the memory makind :D