Thursday, March 20, 2008

It's got its own weather system!

So now the appropriate thing is to joke about it... because there's nothing wrong with Sam's head! Praise God. After 3 hours in the waiting room at Children's Hospital, and 45 minutes for him to fall asleep for the CT scan, the results are in: he has an extreme case of bathrocephaly. At 4 months old and 14 pounds, he is in the 50th percentile for his height and weight and 75th percentile for his head. The Lord knows the plans for Sam's future and maybe someday that thick skull will come in handy. Thank you so much for all those prayers- God heard you!

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Mama? Run...c'mon!

Praise the Lord! We mentioned to a family in our church that we were looking for a jogging stroller so I could run with the boys to train for the marathon in 358 days. We were hoping they could just help us find a used one but they bought a brand new one for us! God is good- all the time.

We wasted no time; we got the stroller last night and Sam, Adam, and I went on a 2.5 mile run/walk this morning. The stroller is so easy to push- it's my legs that are the stubborn part. When I would take a little break to walk, Adam would look up through the little plastic window at me and say, "Mama? Run...c'mon!" How could I say no to that sweet little boy who just wanted to go fast? I think he'll be a valuable asset to my training.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Sam update:

We have a CAT scan scheduled for St. Patrick's Day, March 17th at 1pm.

Monday, March 3, 2008

The Saga Continues...

We took Sam to Children's Hospital today and met with the fabulous Dr. Gizzi who has two guesses to what it might be that makes his head look like a bike helmet. The more likely one, and the one we are hoping it is, is bathrocephaly, "a developmental anomaly marked by a steplike posterior projection of the skull, caused by excessive growth of the lambdoid suture". It basically means that he has a really thick clump of bone at the back of his skull for no particular reason whatsoever.

The other option is that there could be something in/on/around his brain that is pushing the skull out and we will find that out with an MRI which requires general anesthesia (we're not excited about that). He also needs to get a CT scan to see if the skull is especially thick. The Lord knew what He was doing when He made Sam, and apparently, that's the head God wanted for him. If it is bathrocephaly, then we don't need to do anything- it will just be less noticeable as he grows into his head. He just won't ever look good with a buzz cut...

Sunday, March 2, 2008

The Countdown Begins...

Today, thousands of people ran over 26 miles in the L.A. Marathon and I am hoping to join them for next year! Today, I am capable of running about 3 miles in one stretch so I have quite a ways to go. My friend Tim just ran 63 marathons in 63 days to raise over $750,000 for the AT Children's Project, so I figure if he can do that, I can at least run one, right?