Saturday, March 8, 2008

Mama? Run...c'mon!

Praise the Lord! We mentioned to a family in our church that we were looking for a jogging stroller so I could run with the boys to train for the marathon in 358 days. We were hoping they could just help us find a used one but they bought a brand new one for us! God is good- all the time.

We wasted no time; we got the stroller last night and Sam, Adam, and I went on a 2.5 mile run/walk this morning. The stroller is so easy to push- it's my legs that are the stubborn part. When I would take a little break to walk, Adam would look up through the little plastic window at me and say, "Mama? Run...c'mon!" How could I say no to that sweet little boy who just wanted to go fast? I think he'll be a valuable asset to my training.



How awesome they bought you a brand new stroller! God is good!!

I love that Adam is your coach, out of selfish motives, but still cute nonetheless!

rhsnippet said...

what a fantastic goal!! and how awesome that you were given the stroller to do it! I wish you lots of luck and stamina! We will say a prayer for Sam's CAT scan!

Amy said...

You are a rock star! So proud of you for doing this and what a wonderful blessing in receiving the stroller. I love how Adam is your encouragement, he reminds me of Noah, always wanting to go fast!

The Jerrolds Family said...

This is so awesome! God is good!