Saturday, May 3, 2008

Happy Birthday, Adam!

Adam turned two on Wednesday and we celebrated today with a Curious George party. There was messy finger painting and chalk drawing galore and the tables were decorated with bananas, mini bananas, and monkey paraphernalia. Nick is the creative one so he used he sweet skills to craft a monkey cake for the birthday boy. I found an old coffee table in my parent's barn and we cleaned it up so Nick could turn it into a train table. Adam's face lit up when he saw it and he started squealing "choo-choo" in a high pitched voice because he was so excited. Everything ran smoothly (other than Adam burning his finger on the candle while he was trying to blow it out.) and we all had a great time. Now I've gotta go work off that cake with a five mile run...


The Jerrolds Family said...

The party looks like it was awesome! I am so sorry we weren't able to come... Kiss that handsome two year old for us!


How fun! And very creative!! Good job. Can't wait to see you & the whole family in a couple of weeks!

shaneeckert said...

Hey Nick! Cool blog man!!!